Chairman Sharon Bulova Responds to Federal Budget Proposal

Chairman Sharon Bulova Responds to Federal Budget Proposal

“The proposed federal budget would slash federal support for a host of programs and services and shift that burden to local government. Some of the most painful cuts are to funds that help low-income individuals get back on their feet so that they can become productive and successful members of the community. Zeroed out or seriously diminished are programs that address environmental challenges across state lines. Shifting funding responsibility to state and local governments is a death sentence to these services. With limited taxing authority and very little flexibility in our local budgets, localities cannot afford to carry the full weight of providing services without some support from the federal government. Having worked with multiple administrations throughout the years, Fairfax County has found that the community is served best through regional and collaborative efforts among all levels of government, nonprofits and faith communities. No one group can do it alone. I know our local congressional delegation understands this and I am hopeful they will be able to address problems through the appropriation process."